Contact audrey


2532 West Warren Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60612
United States


Audrey Woodley is a prolific writer, motivational speaker, and a renowned business strategist who helps women identify solutions to their brand challenges. Audrey has launched a nonprofit as well as authoring books that inspire and uplift women. “I owe my success to my ability to create a strong brand that speaks directly to my target audience’’.

Audrey's Blog

Women’s History Month is always like a breathe of fresh air. To listen to our young powerful girls form the #STEPUP community to the powerful  #Girlbosses in media. With the movement of female power and #metoo brings us more together in knowing our voices matter at any age. We can stand our ground and create a movement for what is right or what is wrong. Giving today’s climate we are now setting higher goals, collaborating more, digging in, and being more conscious of what we’re not going to accept.

The Power of Vision Boards

Audrey Woodley


The beginning of the year is the best time to set goals and create your Annual Vision Board. This creates the path for the rest of the year, and if you start by hosting your dream board party, you are on target to building brand credibility. After taking my two-hour masters class with Lucinda Cross, founder of Active vision board, Mrs. Cross was able to use the foundation of her mother's teaching to get her life back on track, she showed the family the power of creative visualization to see beyond their circumstances of living in the projects New Your City Housing, Lucinda’s mother wanted them to achieve higher than what circumstances were and make good grades and feel good about themselves. If your have a passion of serving and helping others overcome any obstacles or reach for higher limits, using the power of the vision board is a great way and space to teach in any niche market. The art of creating vision boards went viral when Lucinda made an appearance in Essence Magazine. Now we’re having all cultures hosting parties along with branches and influencers to speak. 

As a teacher, I’ve always kept my journals but now it’s more visual with me adding pictures. After I lost my mother to breast cancer in 2013, it took me time to get to the grove of things. So I did something that my mother would have done, which was, honoring the breast cancer survivors and the legacy of my mother, Rita Woodley. She was a creative entrepreneur and loved serving the community, that is, putting together all her events for the family, friends and the community. I created a vision board workbook for each person that comes to the brunch. It’s something tangible that people can write and use for a personal keepsake.

I created a Signature Event in  honoring mothers, career women, and leaders three years ago.  Beauty For A Cause, which was name  in honor of my mother’s fight with breast cancer.  So, if you’re looking to launch your own vision board party I have three valuable tip’s to help you get a good start.

Purpose and theme

My aim of hosting an event was to honor survivors who were driven leaders and fighting cancer. Beauty For A Cause, 'My Fight My Win,' was my theme for the year. Our annual value goal is to raise $500  and award women who are nominated in their community. With our objective, we help women create a vision board or journals to refocus their mindset and bring in speakers who are cancer survivors or Professional Women in the Wellness Industry.


Every year we look for business and clients to help support the cause. Usually, we create a sponsorship kit that aligns with our budget and offset some of the buying and selling tickets and showcases our sponsors throughout social media and flier on our website, generating more traffic and followers to the business, which creates a win-win situation.


The agenda is you putting your stamp of life in the event. I ensure I set time to honor our women and allow them to speak. Speaking of setting goals, we also add the mini journal to one page created on the backside of the agenda.

Check out our latest vision board event with Maya Lin 12yrs. old. She set the bar high and we’re excited to have witness this young lady creating her vision board and understanding that her power comes for her confidence. Maya loves to music, dancing, and drawing. Love on Top!

Above all, this forms the best way for people to experience you and see the impact. Thus, people become ready to take the next step with you and invest in their lives.
